FCS Online Regulatory Training Modules
The Federation of Communication Services is delighted to launch its new member benefit; On-line Regulatory Training.
This new benefit which is free for members of FCS, provides regulatory training in ‘bite-sized’ modules, clarifying the key Regulation that members need to be aware of and to comply with.
The six modules include:
- UK Regulation overview
- Ofcom the General Conditions and EECC
- Advertising & Promotion and Sales & Sign-up
and coming soon, key modules covering,
4. Contracts and customer acquisition
5. Switching (of Voice and Broadband services) and
6. Sales records and Information publication.
To access the FCS training module, simply click on the provided link above. To request permission to view the training, please use the side panel to contact the FCS team. In your message, kindly provide the following information:
- Your company name
- Your YouTube Email ID
The FCS team will then grant you access to the training module.
Each module takes around 15 minutes to complete and, as ever, the FCS team is available to answer any questions about the Regulatory details that you may have after watching the modules.
Become a Member
FCS is an all-industry association: Membership is open to any organization which supplies or supports business-grade communications solutions to commercial, public sector or private customers.
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